As a couples therapist, my couples often say that they are stuck in a dynamic where one partner is chasing or pursuing closeness and connection while the other shuts down or withdraws.
Losing a parent can be an incredibly difficult and painful experience. For many people, a parent is not only a caregiver and source of emotional support but also a role model, guide, and anchor in their lives. When a parent passes away, it can ...
For many years I sabotaged my career and personal success by just not choosing a direction, or by putting minimal effort into my career choices. Not making a choice is still a choice. Looking back, I see that I was afraid of failure and success. ...
Do you have an introspective nature? Maybe you often find your mind turning inward, getting caught up in questions about your feelings, actions, worries, or regrets. Why did I do this? Why did I say that? Why does this keep happening to me? ...
Avoidant attachment is common. Some estimate that about 50% of people have a secure attachment style, 20% anxious attachment style, 25% avoidant attachment style, and 5% fearful/ambivalent/disorganized attachment style. That means about 1 in 4 ...
Loneliness in relationship is common. According to a national survey conducted by AARP, 34% of married people above 45 years old reported feeling lonely. In my work as a couples therapist, loneliness is one of the main reasons that couples seek ...